ENRICHing Survivorship Program
ENRICHing Survivorship - A free exercise & nutrition program for cancer survivors
ENRICHing Survivorship is facilitated by an exercise physiologist/ physiotherapist, dietitian, yoga instructor and volunteers to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing after cancer treatment. The program runs one day per week for 8 weeks and each session is 2 hours.
What is involved?
The program is made up of the following components:
- Six sessions focus on exercise and nutrition to improve cancer health.
- A yoga and mindfulness session introduces relaxation breathing techniques to help reduce stress and anxiety.
- A peer support session provides practical information, discussion and ideas about how to adjust to the changes following cancer treatment.
Who can join?
The program is available to people over 18 who have completed active cancer treatment. A carer, partner or family member is welcome to attend with the cancer survivor.
Program dates
The next ENRICHing Survivorship Program in Canberra will be held every Thursday at 1pm-3pm from 4 May - 22 June 2023 at Space 42, Forrest Chiropractic, Deakin.
Please fill out the form via the button below to express your interest in the program. Further information and forms will be emailed to you which must be completed and returned to finalise your registration.
Find out more
Hear about ENRICHing Survivorship from the participants and facilitators in this short video >>>
Want to find out more about the ENRICHing Survivorship Program?
The ENRICH program was developed by Cancer Council NSW in collaboration with the University of Newcastle.
The "ENRICHing Survivorship” program name and trademarks are owned by Cancer Council NSW and are used by Cancer Council ACT, under licence from Cancer Council NSW.