workplace UV

Workplace UV

The workplace is a major source of UV exposure for many adult Canberrans. 

Outdoor workers who are required to spend long periods of time working in the sun on a daily basis may be exposed to up to 10-times more UV than indoor workers and have a higher-than-average risk of developing skin cancer. 

Skin cancer is a Work Health and Safety issue, and workplaces have a duty of care to protect their workers. Cancer Council recommends ALL organisations with outdoor workers adopt a comprehensive sun protection policy that is aimed toward minimising occupational UVR exposure.

Cancer Council ACT provide SunSmart, tobacco cessation and cancer information sessions to workplaces with both indoor and outdoor workers. This can be an on-site or online information session, or a brief toolbox talk to your teams. We also provide policy support to workplaces to review the underlying systems that support UV safety in the workplace. If you’d like to know more, or want to book in a session, fill out the form below.

Book Your SunSmart Workplace Session